Saturday, March 30, 2013

What happens in Vegas ends up on blogs

Immediately after finding out how serious my cancer diagnosis was, and I mean immediately, we booked tickets to Vegas. Like got tickets, went out to a rap show with our friends, walked home near 4 am, slept for a minute and boarded a plane. We had a really fun time just letting go of reality and being warm and eating amazing food. All of the food photos are vegan, btw. No, we did not get married. That comes later.

xoxo Ry
Pink's Hot dog and Cherry Daiquiri

Ronald's Donuts


William's extraordinary hotness
Vegan Chik'n and waffles

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

So you have breast cancer...

I'm starting this blog as a way to chronicle, process, and remember what this year means and how it will change me. I'm not going to tell my cancer diagnosis story in a linear manner, although I'm sure details of it will sneak into these webpages. I will, at least, start with this; I have Stage 3A IDC Breast Cancer. And I'm only 33 years old.

I'm also going to give access to my husband. I don't know whether or not he'll post anything but it's important for me, and for my supportive friends and family, to know that I'm not the only one going through this.

xoxo Ry